GLG2303 Earth System Evolution (graduate course)
Crucial environmental and biological changes occurred during
the Precambrian-Cambrian transition. In this course we will review
some key factors which may have influenced the emergence of animals
using known fossil evidence, geochemical and sedimentological data
and paleogeographic reconstructions. In addition, we will take a look
at geologic events that resulted in progressive climate cooling over
the past 55 Ma, ultimately leading into the ice age climate cycles.
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ERS315H5 Environmental Geology (SCI)
This course focuses on Earth processes as they relate to human
activities. Topics include global climate change on short and long
timescales; groundwater flow and contamination/human engineering
of Earth processes; geological aspects of pollution and waste
disposal; and environmental impact of extracting/using minerals,
energy, soil, and other Earth resources. A field trip will give us
first-hand experience in aspects of human/planet interaction. [39L]
Prerequisite: ERS202H5/203H5
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ERS412H5 Climate Through Time(SCI)
The goals of this course are to discuss the geologic record of climate change and present an overview of the methods used to reconstruct the earth’s climate history and the techniques used to determine the timing of environmental changes. Topics to be addressed will include paleoclimatic reconstructions, climate and climatic variation, dating methods, and climate proxies. In addition, periods of past climate change will be highlighted with particular emphasis on climate change during the recent past. This will be put into perspective with modern day and future global change. [39L]
Prerequisite: ERS201H5/ERS203H5
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ERS425H5 Geology of North America(SCI)
This course will provide students with a first-hand exposure to geologic outcrops in North America, where knowledge gained
during classroom instruction throughout their studies can be applied to textbook examples of a variety of geologic features. The
course is structured around one major field trip during fall break, plus preparatory work. There is a nonrefundable fee associated
with this course beyond tuition. Students must register on ROSI, on a first-come first-serve and non-refundable deposit basis. The
deposit must be received by the Department within one week from the first day of enrollment or the student will be dropped
automatically from the course. Students should contact the Department by March of the academic year preceding the course to find
out more details about the specific field trip plans.[9 days]
Prerequisite: 4 ERS300x
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ERS312H5 Oceanography(SCI)
The goals of this course are to discuss the geologic record of climate change and present an overview of the methods used to reconstruct the earth’s climate history and the techniques used to determine the timing of environmental changes. Topics to be addressed will include paleoclimatic reconstructions, climate and climatic variation, dating methods, and climate proxies. In addition, periods of past climate change will be highlighted with particular emphasis on climate change during the recent past. This will be put into perspective with modern day and future global change. [39L]
Prerequisite: ERS201H5/ERS203H5
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