Flight Behavior II: Type of

Characteristics of Flapping, Gliding, and
Soaring Flight
Classifying a butterflies flight mode as either flapping, gliding, or soaring, is
easy - as long as its flapping. Flapping Flight is characterised by
regular wing beats and is the main type of flight observed when the butterflies are flying
within a few meters of the ground. Most difficulties arise when you have to distinguish
between gliding and soaring flight.
Gliding and Soaring flight are both
characterised by the wings being held outspread and still. Although there are a few rules
to apply, distinguishing between the two types of flight can be difficult. Gliding
butterflies always lose altitude. In contrast, Soaring butterflies, by definition, either
maintain, or gain altitude. Although soaring butterflies seem to defy gravity, they are
actually just gliding in rising air. The air is rising as fast, or faster, than the
butterflies gliding rate of descent. A soaring butterfly may circle or fly straight,
depending upon the circumstances. Soaring butterflies often fly straight along the rising
air on the windward side of a hill, ravine, or building, particularly when it is
approximately in line with their preferred direction. Soaring butterflies usually circle
when they encounter a small narrow thermal near (e.g. within 10 m - 30 m ) the
ground and continue to circle as they gain altitude. On the other hand, individuals at
higher altitudes may mill about in an apparently haphazard manner or fly straight across
thermals. Gliding butterflies seldom circle. Although a gliding butterfly may turn towards
trees, or a field of flowers as it gets closer to the ground, in open areas they usually
just continue to glide straight ahead, finally switching to flapping flight within 1 - 3
meters of the ground. On days with tailwinds and good soaring weather (plenty of fair
weather cumulus clouds), monarch butterflies can often be observed gliding down from high
altitudes shortly before sunset as thermal activity finally dies out. Gliding flight can
also be apparent when the butterflies abruptly turn out of thermals within about 30 m of
the ground.
Although a gliding monarch butterfly has a relatively steep angle of descent, nearly
1 m of altitude lost for every 3.6 m of forward flight, determining that a butterfly is
actually descending can be very difficult, particularly if the migrant is being rapidly
carried downwind. To further complicate matters, butterflies gliding through an area of
slowly rising air (weak lift) will descend slower and appear to have a significantly
shallower (flatter) glide angle than 3.6:1 Glider pilots call this type of weak lift
reduced sink, and it's not to be scorned, particularly when thermals are dying at the end
of the day and there is little else up there to bring you back to the field. Similarly, a
monarch descending from cloudbase can achieve glide ratios of 7.2:1 if it encounters weak
lift that reduces it rate of descent by 50%, 14.4:1 if it reduces its rate of descent by
75%, and even 28.8:1 if it is able to reduce its rate of descent by 87.5%. Of course, if
if finds weak lift that exactly matches its rate of descent (called zero sink by glider
pilots), its now soaring and can maintain altitude without flapping for as long as it
stays in the rising air.
Because it is often difficult to distinguish between gliding and soaring flight in
the field, and because gliding flight often has a pinch, or more than a pinch of soaring
(because of weak lift), slowing the butterflies' rate of descent, I use a few simple rules
to decide whether an individual is gliding or soaring. Gliding butterfly are: (1) not
flapping their wings, and (2) visibly descending. Soaring butterflies are: (1) not
flapping their wings, and (2) not visibly descending. This method greatly
simplifies matters and avoids endless arguments with myself when making observations.
Fortunately, researchers interested in energetics of the migration are primarily concerned
with the proportion of the time spent in flapping and non-flapping (gliding and soaring)
flight. Similarly, researchers interested in flight tactics are more interested in the
proportion of the flight time spent aloft soaring in thermals compared to flapping along
near the ground. Finally, keep in mind that the butterflies regularly switch among flight
modes. For example, a monarch may flap up to a thermal, soar in circles for a few turns,
then leave the thermal and glide back to the ground. When something like this happens, all
three flight modes should be checked off on the data forms.