Position: Principal Investigator
Claudiu was born in Bacau, “the town of purple twilights", in eastern Romania. He obtained his Bachelor degree in 1995 from University of Bucharest and his PhD in Physics with Prof. Rienk van Grondelle in 2001 from VU University Amsterdam. After postdoctoral fellowships at Leiden University and at Sandia Labs in Livermore, in 2006 Claudiu started his independent biophysics research lab at University of Toronto. His research program is aimed at studying the dynamics of intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) and of G protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) using single-molecule approaches. Besides research and teaching, Claudiu enjoys football (Barcelona & Arsenal), hiking, cinema, history, philosophy and wine. more >>

Position: Postdoctoral researcher
Project: Using biophysical data and computations to estimate conformational ensembles of a disordered protein complex
Background:Spencer obtained his Bachelor degree at UTM, majoring in Physics and Chemistry. After completing his Master in 2018, he continued as a PhD student working on intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs). His research focused on the 4E-BP2 protein and its phosphorylation-regulated folding/binding to the translation initiation factor eIF4E. Spencer defended his PhD thesis in Aug. 2024, and he is now working on using complementary structural data to obtain an experimentally-restrained ensemble of the dynamic and disordered 4E-BP2:eIF4E complex. Outside the lab, Spencer enjoys playing musical instruments, weightlifting, powersports and outdoors.

Position: PhD Student
Project: The Quaternary Organization and Interaction Dynamics of GPCRs in Live Cells
Background: Xiaohan obtained his Bachelor degree at Nanjing University, majoring in Physics. He joined the Gradinaru group in the Fall of 2020 as a PhD student working on the muscarinic receptors, which are part of the Class A of G Protein Coupled Receptors (GPCRS). The goal is to measure the their dynamic spatial distribution and interaction kinetics with G proteins in live cells. He will map out trajectories of individual proteins to quantify their diffusion properties, by combining single-molecule fluorescence techniques such as SPT, FCS and smFRET. Outside the lab, Xiaohan enjoys video games, reading and watching his favorite football team, Bayern Munich.

Position: PhD Student
Project: Studying Initial Steps of GPCR signalling via Single-Particle Tracking in Live Live Cells
Background: Maria obtained her Bachelor's degree at HSE University in Moscow, majoring in Physics. In the Fall of 2023, she joined the Gradinaru group to study GPCR signalling in live cells. She will use single-molecule techniques to study activation of G proteins (Go and Gs) and their regulation in cells, where expression levels, membrane rigidity and crowding are critical factors. Her goal is to address key questions about spatio-temporal regulation of siganlling bias through fromt eh perspective of the adenosine A2A receptor. Outside the lab, Maria enjoys reading, watching films, hiking and skiing (yes, she is crazy about mountains!).

Position: MSc Student
Project: The Statistics of smFRET Broadening via Multi-parameter Experimental and Simulation Methods
Background: Aiyan obtained his Bachelor’s degree at UBC in Vancouver, with honours in physics. In the Summer of 2024, he joined the Gradinaru group as a MSc student to help implement pulsed interleaved excitation (PIE) in a multi-parameter single-molecule fluorecence (MP-SMF) microscope. He will study broadening phenomena in single-molecule Förster Resonance Energy Transfer (smFRET) experiments, with the goal to delineate the intrinsic structural dynamics of proteins and other biomolecules of interest. Outside of the lab, you can often find Aiyan in his boat fishing or in the gym weightlifting.

Position: MSc Student
Project: Shedding Light into the Physics of "Fuzzy" IDP Complexes
Background: Xinge obtained her Bachelor's degree from Beijing Institute of Technology, and obtained a MSc degree in Engineering at Nanyang Technological University, specializing in precision instrumentation. Joining the Gradinaru Lab in the Fall of 2024, she will focus on studying the disordered protein Sic1 from yeast. She will use advanced SMF techniques to explore the dynamic interaction of Sic1 with Cdc4 and contribute to understanding the physics of "fuzzy" disordered complexes. Outside the lab, Xinge enjoys reading, watching films and TV series, and cooking (in particular, delicious Basque cakes!).
Undergraduate Research Students
Gurveen Dhillon
CPS489 - Exploring Novel Strategies for Fluorescence Labeling of GPCRs in Live Cells
CPS489 - Exploring Novel Strategies for Fluorescence Labeling of GPCRs in Live Cells
Aleeza Khan
CHM399 - The Impact of Cell Membrane Organization on GPCR Motility and Signaling
CHM399 - The Impact of Cell Membrane Organization on GPCR Motility and Signaling
Hillary Moon
Finding Optimal Probes for Single-Particle in Cells via an In-Vitro Assay
Finding Optimal Probes for Single-Particle in Cells via an In-Vitro Assay
International Exchange Students
David Kaltwasser
MSc Biophysics, University of Lubeck, Germany - Implementing FRET-FCS Methods to Study Conformational Dynamics in Proteins
MSc Biophysics, University of Lubeck, Germany - Implementing FRET-FCS Methods to Study Conformational Dynamics in Proteins
Former Group Members
Thomas Tsangaris, MSc 2023
Beyond Order and Disorder: Delineating Structural Propensities of the 4E-BP2 Protein via Integrative Modelling and Unsupervised Learning
Beyond Order and Disorder: Delineating Structural Propensities of the 4E-BP2 Protein via Integrative Modelling and Unsupervised Learning
Yevgen Moskalenko, MSc 2021
Using smFRET to Determine How Ligands Modulate the Conformational Landscape of the A2A Receptor and its Coupling to Signalling Effectors
Using smFRET to Determine How Ligands Modulate the Conformational Landscape of the A2A Receptor and its Coupling to Signalling Effectors
Masood Samim
Master student, 2008-2009
Master student, 2008-2009
Sergei Musikhin
Research Associate, 2007-2008
Research Associate, 2007-2008
Denys Marushchak
Postdoctoral Fellow 2009-2010
Postdoctoral Fellow 2009-2010
Abdullah Bahram
Lab technician, 2012-2013
Lab technician, 2012-2013
Fei Huang
Research Associate, 2017
Research Associate, 2017
Taehyung Chris Lee
Postdoctoral fellow 2017-2019
Postdoctoral fellow 2017-2019
Daniel Badali
Undegraduate research student, 2008-2010
Undegraduate research student, 2008-2010
Maxim Prigozhin
Undegraduate research student, 2008-2009
Undegraduate research student, 2008-2009
Sangkyu Lee
Undegraduate research student, 2007
Undegraduate research student, 2007
Susanne Scharf
Exchange student, University of Konstantz (Germany), 2008-2009
Exchange student, University of Konstantz (Germany), 2008-2009
Sarah Mausle
Exchange student, Univerity of Lubbeck (Germany), 2014
Exchange student, Univerity of Lubbeck (Germany), 2014
Florent Mercier
Exchange student, University Paris-Sud (France), 2015-2016
Exchange student, University Paris-Sud (France), 2015-2016
Jinkyue Ree
Undergraduate research student, 2009-2010
Undergraduate research student, 2009-2010
Soobin Yoo
Undergraduate research student, 2009-2010
Undergraduate research student, 2009-2010
Daniel Jacobs
Undergraduate research student, 2011
Undergraduate research student, 2011
Darius Chia
Undergraduate research student, 2011
Undergraduate research student, 2011
Jordan Rebelo
Undergraduate research student, 2011-2012
Undergraduate research student, 2011-2012
Jessica Kun
Undegraduate research student, McMaster, 2013
Undegraduate research student, McMaster, 2013
Amanda Leung
Undergraduate research student, 2012
Undergraduate research student, 2012
Matthew Mazzuca
Undergraduate research student, 2012
Undergraduate research student, 2012
Ho Fung Siu
Undegraduate research student, 2013-2014
Undegraduate research student, 2013-2014
Christopher Huynh
Undergraduate research student, 2014-2015
Undergraduate research student, 2014-2015
Dan Yomo
Undergraduate research student, 2015
Undergraduate research student, 2015
Juan Castaneda
Undegraduate research student, 2016-2017
Undegraduate research student, 2016-2017
Jasbir Bahram
Undergraduate research student, 2016
Undergraduate research student, 2016
Mehik Rizvi
Undergraduate research student, 2016
Undergraduate research student, 2016
Charles Huston
Undegraduate research student, 2016-2017
Undegraduate research student, 2016-2017
Tom Smart
Exchange student, Univ. of St. Andrews (UK) 2017
Exchange student, Univ. of St. Andrews (UK) 2017
Mohammed Salama
Undergraduate research student, 2017
Undergraduate research student, 2017
Antony Singarayer
Undegraduate research student, 2017
Undegraduate research student, 2017
Rohith Kaiyum
Undergraduate research student, 2018
Undergraduate research student, 2018
Stefan Sookbir
Undergraduate research student, 2018
Undergraduate research student, 2018
Denys Pushenko
Undegraduate research student, 2018
Undegraduate research student, 2018
Kaitlyn Liang
NSERC USRA research student, 2018
NSERC USRA research student, 2018
Aqsa Alam
Undergraduate research student, 2018
Undergraduate research student, 2018
Harmsimran Garcha
Undegraduate research student, 2018
Undegraduate research student, 2018
Tim Henley
Undegraduate research student, 2018-2019
Undegraduate research student, 2018-2019
Rahith Kaiyum
Undegraduate research student, 2018-2019
Undegraduate research student, 2018-2019
Maksym Sharma
Undegraduate research student, 2018-2019
Undegraduate research student, 2018-2019
Liam Fortier
Undegraduate research student, 2019
Undegraduate research student, 2019
Arvi Puka
Undegraduate research student, 2019
Undegraduate research student, 2019
Brandon Shew
Undegraduate research student, 2019
Undegraduate research student, 2019
Aimen Malik
NSERC USRA research student, 2019-2020
NSERC USRA research student, 2019-2020
Qirat Ashraf
Undegraduate research student, 2019-2020
Undegraduate research student, 2019-2020
Thomas Tsangaris
NSERC USRA research student, 2020-2022
NSERC USRA research student, 2020-2022
Ashley Namini
Undegraduate research student, 2018-2020
Undegraduate research student, 2018-2020
Ivonne Lopez-Miranda
Undegraduate research student, 2020-2021
Undegraduate research student, 2020-2021
Jessica McDowell
Undegraduate research student, 2020-2021
Undegraduate research student, 2020-2021
Tianzi Yang
Undegraduate research student, 2021
Undegraduate research student, 2021
Taras Skotar
Undegraduate research student, 2021
Undegraduate research student, 2021
Eric Tran
Undergraduate research student, 2021
Undergraduate research student, 2021
Clarissa Ching
Undegraduate research student, 2021
Undegraduate research student, 2021
Horacio Septien Gonzalez
Undegraduate research student, 2021-2022
Undegraduate research student, 2021-2022
John Castroverde
PhD student, 2017-2021
PhD student, 2017-2021
Christabel Faylinn
Undergraduate research student, 2022
Undergraduate research student, 2022
Martine Campbell
Undergraduate research student, 2022
Undergraduate research student, 2022
Arya Jafari
Undergraduate research student, 2023
Undergraduate research student, 2023
Ryan Unrau
NSERC-USRA research student, 2023
NSERC-USRA research student, 2023
Sami Husaini
Undergraduate research student, 2023-2024
Undergraduate research student, 2023-2024
Gillian Chiu
Undergraduate research student, 2023-2024
Undergraduate research student, 2023-2024