Table of Contents
Great Circle Hypotheis
Magnetoclinic Hypothesis
Magnetic-Latitude Hypothesis
Compass Bearings Hypothesis
Suns' Azimuth Hypothesis
Expansion-Contraction Hypothesis
Always Advance Hypothesis
Never Go Back Hypothesis
| |
Analyses of Pooled Field Data:
Descriptive Statistics |
Descriptive circular statistics for pooled directional data for
1978, 1979, and 1981 Monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus) migrations in Southern
¦ Up
¦ Tables: ¦ I, II, III, IV,
V, VI, VII, VIII a, VIII b, IX, X, XI, XII ¦
Mean Headings of straight-flying, migrating, Danaus plexippus for eight wind
Directional data were grouped according to wind direction at the time of the observation.
The Analysis was restricted to headings recorded for the subgroup of individuals
that were flying straight.
Wind |
N |
Mean Heading |
r |
A.D. |
95% C.I. |
North |
9 |
244° (WSW) |
0.67* |
±47° |
±42° |
Northeast |
12 |
207° (SSW) |
0.68** |
±46° |
±33° |
East |
48 |
180° (S) |
0.81*** |
±35° |
±11° |
Southeast |
50 |
190° (S) |
0.89*** |
±27° |
South |
1 |
208° (SSW) |
- |
- |
- |
Southwest |
167° (SSE) |
0.83*** |
±33° |
±21° |
West |
8 |
238° (WSW) |
0.70* |
±44° |
±41° |
Northwest |
46 |
230° (SW) |
0.83*** |
±33° |
±11° |
* Adapted from Gibo, D. L., 1986, 1990
Definitions of abbreviations and symbols: N = number in sample,
WSW = West-Southwest, SSW = South-Southwest, S = South, etc., r = length of mean
vector, A.D. = Angular deviation, and C.I. = Confidence Intervals. Asterisks
indicate significance level for Rayleigh tests (* = P< 0.05, ** = P<
0.01, **= P < 0.01, and *** = P< 0.001) .
- The significance level of the Rayleigh test for E, SE, SW, and NW winds means
that the probability that the population (e.g. all monarch
butterflies flying straight in North winds in southern Ontario during late summer and
fall) from which the sample (i.e. 48 headings that I observed for monarch
butterflies flying in East winds) was taken has no directional bias (i.e.
the true headings are randomly distributed in the population) is less than one in a
thousand. In other words, the chance that the directional biases observed for
headings in my sample of monarchs was due to a run of (good? bad?) luck was less than one
in a thousand.
- The same argument applies to the significance levels for the Rayleigh test of
the directional data for monarch butterflies flying in NE winds except that the
probability that it the observed results were was due to chance was less than one in a
- The same argument also applies to the significance levels for the Rayleigh test
of the directional data for monarch butterflies flying in North winds or W winds, except
that the results are not as encouraging. Because P is less than 0.05 and
greater than 0.01, the probability may be almost as high as 1 in 20 that the headings for D.
plexippus flying in N winds and W winds are distributed at random . Therefore,
we are less confident about the results for South and West winds. The very
high value for the Confidence Intervals for South and Southwest winds is a further warning
that we should increase sample size for these two wind conditions before drawing any
further conclusions.